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Unit 5 Working hard on the farm
发布日期:2025-01-04 10:10    点击次数:116
参考教案 第十七课 示例一 第十七课 Lesson Seventeen 一、教学内容 1.词汇(略)。 2.句型:1) How far is it? 2) Let's get on the bus. 3.语法:小结代词it的用法。 二、教具 录音机;教学挂图(或模仿课文插图自制)。 三、课堂教学设计 1.复习值日生报告。 教师可参照前几课有关复习步骤进行。 2.通过对第十五课的内容进行提问的方式,引出本课要学的对话: T: Are Jim and Li Lei going to have any classes next week? Ss: No,they aren't. T: What are they going to do next week? Ss: They're going to work on a farm next week. T:What work are they going to do there? Ss:They're going to help the farmers with their work. They're going to pick apples. T: Right. They're going to work hard on the farm.(让学生猜hard一词的词义)。 The farm is near, quite near. It's not far. Only a few kilometres. 教师将上述生词写在黑板上,扼要说明,反复领读,直到学生初步掌握为止。 3.准备放课文第1部分录音。教师板书听前提问(Pre-listenins questions): 1) Is Jim late? 2) How far is the farm? 放课文录音一至两遍,学生回答黑板上的问题。再放录音,学生打开书跟读,反复三遍。教师讲解对话中的难句(见难点讲解1、2)。 4.将大幅挂图挂在黑板上(如条件不具备,可利用课本中插图),教师先问几个一般问题: T: Where are the students? Are they at school? Ss:No,they're on the farm. T:Are they working hard? Ss: Yes, they are. 教师借助挂图,教授剩余生词,反复领读。确信学生初步掌握全部生词后,叫起一位程度较好的同学,进行以下问答练习: T: Can you see Li Lei in the picture? Ss: Yes, I can. T: What is he doing? Ss:He's picking apples. 指导学生两人一组,模仿刚才的示范表演,就这幅图进行问答练习。 5.打开练习册,要求学生用笔头形式独立完成习题1。如果时间允许,数分钟后,可核对部分答案。 6.布置作业 1)练习朗读本课对话;2)抄写生词及短语;3)完成练习册习题。 四、难点讲解 1.I think it's about seven.我想大约有7公里。 句中代词it指距离。在seven之后,省略了kilometres。 代词it的用法很多,请看以下例句: 1) A: Where is my book? l can't find it.我的书在哪儿?我找不到了。你看不见吗? 就在桌子下面。 B:Can't you see?It's under the desk. 例句中it代替上文出现过的名词book。 2) A: What's this in English?这个东西用英语怎样说?橡皮。 B: It's an eraser. 例句中it代替上文出现的另一代词this(也可代替that)。 3) A: What time is it?几点了? B: It's a quarter to seven.差一刻七点。 例句中it指时间。 2.Let's get on the bus.让我们上车吧。 这是一个祈使句。 Let's是let us的缩略形式,意为:“让我们”;要做的事情包括听者在内。在本课中,指李磊邀吉姆一同上车。如果所做的事情不包括听者在内,则一般不用缩略形式。例如:Please, Mr Hu, let us go home.胡老师,请让我们回家吧。 参考教案 Unit 5 Working hard on the farm 第十八课 示例一 第十八课 Lesson Eighteen 一、教学内容 1.词汇(略)。 2.句型:1) Is Jim picking more apples than Kate? 2) Who has the most apples, Li Lei,Jim or Lily? 3) He's stronger than her. 3.语法:数量的比较。 二、教具 录音机;约60本作业本。 三、课堂教学设计 1.复习值日生报告。 2.请一位同学站在前面,教师交给他(她)10个作业本。手指这位同学向全班说: T: ×× has some exercise books. 再请另一位同学站在第一位同学旁边,教师交给他(她)20个作业本。两位同学都把本拿好,让大家看清区别。教师说: T: ××× has more exercise books than××. 反复说两遍,注重重读more一词,启发大家猜测这句话含义(学生应没有多大困难)。 又请第三位同学,与前两位同学站在一起。教师让该同学拿30个作业本。教师说: T:××× has the most(exercise books) of all. 放慢语速,反复读两遍,启发大家猜测这句话含义。教师将以上三句话书写在黑板上。扼要予以讲解。 领读生词,指挥大家学说这几个句子(让全班看着这三位同学说,增加直观性)。反复练习说几遍,到学生能初步掌握为止。 教师手指这三位同学,继续提问: T: Who has the most exercise books, ××,××× or ××? And who has the fewest? 学生应当能较容易地正确答出。 3.打开课本,学生看图。放课文第1部分录音,学生跟读,反复三遍。 教师直接用课文第3部分问题向学生提问,要求学生给出正确答案。 4.指导学生看课文第2部分插图,教师可作如下提问,要学生做出正确应答: T: Who is picking more apples, Jim or Kate? Which truck is carrying more ladders, the big one or the small one? 学生给出简略答语即可。 教strong这个生词。放课文第2部分录音,学生跟读,反复三遍。 5.指导学生做练习册习题。 6.布置作业 1)练习朗读课文;2)抄写生词、课文第1、3两部分内容;3)完成练习册习题。 四、难点讲解 1.He's stronger than her.他比她健壮。 be+形容词(比较级形式)+than是比较级的基本句型。than是连词,其后面既可用宾格代词her,也可用主格代词she。 2.Who has the most apples, Li Lei, Jim or Lily?谁的苹果最多,是李磊、吉姆还是莉莉? 三者或三者以上比较要用最高级。由于是在三者之间比较,连词用or(或者),而不能用and(和)。 参考教案 Unit 5 Working hard on the farm 第十九课 示例一 第十九课 Lesson Nineteen 一、教学内容 1.词汇(略)。 2.句型:1) Please be careful! 2) Don't go too high. 3) Some of the apples are hard to reach. 二、教具 录音机。 三、课堂教学设计 1.复习值日生报告。 2.打开书,学生看图。教师通过提问,引出本课生词: T: What can you see in the picture? Where is Han Meimei? What is she doing?(引出reach一词) Who is holding the ladder? What does he say?(引出本课其他生词。) 放课文第1部分录音,学生跟读,反复三遍。 3.指导学生自己阅读课文第2部分,要求学生用铅笔划出不认识的词或短语,并结合上下文去猜测。教师板书读前提问(Pre-reading questions): 1) Where are the children working? 2) Whose apples are better, Jim's or Li Lei's? 教师规定学生在四分半钟时间内读完(本段短文计145个词)。规定时限过后,组织学生回答黑板上的问题。让学生挑出生词,教师讲解并领读。 放课文第2部分录音,学生跟读,反复三遍。教师讲解短文中难句(见难点讲解1、2、3)。 4.指导学生做练习册习题1。两人一组,先用口头回答,然后将答案记在练习册上。 5.准备做听力练习。给学生一分钟准备时间。放录音三遍。学生边听录音,边在练习册上记录答案。当堂核对答案。 6.布置作业 1)练习朗读本课对话和短文;2)抄写生词及短语;3)完成练习册习题。 四、难点讲解 1.Some of the apples are hard to reach.有些苹果很难够得着。 to be+形容词这一结构后面可接动词不定式短语,用来形容做某事。例如: It's easy to fly a kite.放风筝很容易。 2.But mine are bigger than yours. 但是我的(苹果)比你的(苹果)大。 句中mine和yours都是名词性物主代词(参阅第一册第十四单元)。 3.They're much bigger. 它们(指苹果)大多了。 句中much是副词,表示程度(参阅第十五课难点讲解3)。 参考教案 Unit 5 Working hard on the farm 教学步骤 Lesson 20 示例三 Lesson 20 Step 1 Revision 1 Revise Lesson 19, Part 1, as in Step 3 of the TB. 2 Get the Ss to retell the story in SB page 19, Part 2. Step 2 Word families SB page 20, Part 1. Speech Cassette Lesson 20. Play the tape: Ss listen and repeat. Practise the individual sounds, then words by showing flashcards randomly and asking Ss to pronounce the words written on them. Wb Lesson 20, Ex. 1. The answers are: half, sock, work, month. Step 3 Puzzle SB page 20, Part 2. Let the Ss work on the puzzle alone or with a partner. Check the answers with the whole class . Note that in puzzle clues full stops are not usually required . The answers are: DOWN: 1 September, 2 dangerous ACROSS:1 stand, 2 parent, 3 eleven, 4 borrow, 5 trucks Step 4 Checkpoint 5 Go through Checkpoint 5 in the usual way. Practise the s0i useful expressions s0i . Discuss any problems raised by the Ss . Step 5 Workbook Wb Lesson 20, Ex. 2. It is a good idea if you have the information available in case the Ss do not know the answers . The Ss ask and answer in pairs . Then collect the results on the Bb and ask questions about them: Does Class 4 have fewer boys than Class 3? Step 6 Test Give a short dictation . Look! * Li Lei is climbing* up the ladder.* Now he's picking* the apples . * He's putting them* in a basket. * Li Lei's basket* is full. * It is heavier* than Jim's basket. * Li Lei has more apples* than Jim, * but Polly has* the fewest of all ! * Step 7 Song Teach the song in Wb Lesson 20, Ex. 3 if there is time. Note:The song is on the Speech Cassette. Play the whole song on cassette to the students .Then play the first verse and get the students to join in. Do the other verses in the same way. Divide the class into three groups and one group sings one verse. Repeat. If you like, have a competiton between the groups . Homework Revise the language items in Unit 5. Learn the contents of Checkpoint 5. Learn the words of the song.

上一篇:强制性国家标准《道路交通标志和标线 第2部分:道路交通标志》在线解读
